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Welcome! If you have been looking for help with your online genealogy search, you have come to the right place! We have searched the Web to find databases that contain vital record (i.e., birth, marriage, death), census and city directory data - and we've put it here in this easy-to-find location. Our goal is to provide as many links to digitized genealogy records as we can, from all over the world. If you click on the word "Links" above, you will be able browse our catalog of links to online genealogy records, including many indexes and some source documents (scanned certificates, census sheets, directory pages, etc.). In some cases, you may need to pay to access the site we've linked to, but most of these resources are free.
We are also working on a series of database compilations that should augment available resources on the Web. One example is the Statewide Index to Mississippi Death Records (1912 - 1943). By growing our own digital collections, we hope to provide family history researchers with access to records that were previously unavailable online. The advertisements you'll see in the margins of our pages have also been selected to assist you in locating online digital collections and archives of genealogical data. These web sites can provide additional examples of essential information for your search: tax records, military records, photos, links to online family trees - and many more digitized resources! We'd appreciate it if you could suggest new links, report broken links and use our Blog to share what you've learned from our site! Copyright © 2011-2025, CooganResearchGroup.com, All Rights Reserved |