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1800 Coogans, McConvilles, Lynchs, McCabes, O'Hares, Mulligans living along Monaghan/Armagh border (near Lake Muckno). [likely in Muckno and Clontibret Parishes (Monaghan) and Creggan Parish (Armagh). 1825 [Possible] reference to Coogans in Corlealackagh townland, Clontibret Parish. Owen Coogan listed as schoolmaster. 1830 [Possible] reference to Coogans in Corlealackagh townland, Clontibret Parish. Tithe Applotment records list Owen Coogan (SR), Owen Coogan, Owen & Catherine Coogan, Pat Coogan. 1835 [Possible] listing of Hugh "Elder" as witness to a McConville Baptism in Crossmaglen, Creggan Parish, Armagh. 1840 [Possible] listing of Patrick "Patriarch" as witness to a McConville Baptism in Crossmaglen, Creggan Parish, Armagh. 1843 [Probable] Owen "Trader" emigrates to Canada with his fiance, Ann O'Hare. By winter, Owen and Ann are married and reside in Montreal, Quebec, with Ann's sister Catherine O'Hare Kelly. 1845 Potato Blight (Famine) begins in September. 1846 First deaths related to the Famine are reported to authorities. 1847 [Probable] Patrick "Patriarch" emigrates to United States. [Note - His wife, Bridget, may have traveled with him, but we are not sure.] A typhus epidemic strikes the Irish population just as the Famine is at its height. Luckily, the potato crops are 'Blight free.' 1848 A cholera epidemic hits Ireland. 1849 [Probable] Patrick "Innkeeper" emigrates to United States. One million Irish reported dead from the Famine and associated plague. 1851 [Probable] James "Bartender" emigrates to United States. 1852 Hugh "Elder" was a witness to a McConville Baptism in Crossmaglen, Creggan Parish, Armagh. [Probable] Michael "Stonecutter" emigrates to United States. [Probable] Ann Coogan Devlin emigrates to United States. 1853 The 12th Lord Blayney (Cadwallader) - the last Lord of Blayney Castle - sells his estate to the wealthy Henry Thomas Hope of Deepdene, Surrey. Hugh "Elder" emigrates to United States. He arrives at Castle Garden (New York City) on July 29th with his wife, Mary, and daughters, Bridget (age 3) and Margaret (infant), aboard "Orient." Three other passengers (descendants of an unnamed male Coogan) traveled on the same ship: Owen Coogan (age 16), Bridget (age 15) and Ann (age 13). 1854 [Probable] Terrence "Farmer" and Hugh "Explorer" emigrate to United States. 1855 Patrick "Innkeeper" owns Coogan Hotel at 13 North Front Street, Kingston, Ulster, NY. Hugh "Explorer" and Patrick "Patriarch" are listed as residents. The Coogans attend the only Catholic Parish in Kingston - Saint Mary's. 1856 [Probable] Death of Patrick "Patriarch". 1858 James "Bartender" working at Coogan Hotel. Michael "Stonecutter" supplying Hotel with beer (brewery). 1859 Hugh "Explorer" pioneers to Iowa. 1860 Ann Coogan Devlin living with her family in Brooklyn, NY. Bridget Coogan, one of the minors that accompanied Hugh "Elder" enroute from Ireland, resides with the family as a domestic servant. 1861 Owen "Trader" travels to West Indies (Jamaica) as a horse dealer. He supplies the Union Army with horses for the US Civil War. 1864 James Joseph Coogan, son of Owen "Trader", emigrates from Montreal to Boston, MA, area. 1865 Ann Coogan Devlin living with her family in Kingston, NY. Bridget Coogan still resides with the family as a domestic servant. 1870 The Coogan families in Kingston switch from Saint Mary's parish to the new, Irish Catholic, parish - Saint Joseph's. 1872 [Probable] Death of Patrick "Innkeeper". 1874 Terrence "Farmer" moves to Pond Eddy, PA. 1875 [Probable] Death of Ann Coogan Devlin. 1876 Patrick "Innkeeper"'s children sell Coogan Hotel and move to Brooklyn, NY. They move into the same residence with their uncle, Felix Devlin. 1879 Terrence "Farmer" moves to Howard County, IA, to live near his brother, Hugh "Explorer". Event remembered by Brooklyn Coogans as 'when the Coogan brothers moved west.' 1885 Deaths of Owen "Trader" and Michael "Stonecutter" (Felix Devlin witnesses the will of the latter). Patrick Henry Coogan, son of Terrence "Farmer" cutting stone in Iron & St. Francois Counties, MO. Peter Coogan, son of Michael "Stonecutter", moves to Brooklyn, NY. 1888 Patrick Henry Coogan, son of Terrence "Farmer", cutting stone in Minnesota (near Minneapolis). James "Bartender" living with family of Michael "Stonecutter" in Kingston, NY. 1889 Death of Hugh "Elder". 1890 Patrick H. Coogan, son of Michael "Stonecutter", Alderman in Kingston, NY. 1891 [Possible] death of James "Bartender". 1893 Death of Terrence "Farmer". 1895 Elizabeth Lynch Coogan, wife of Terrence "Farmer", moves to Oelwein, Fayette, IA. Mary Ann Coogan, daughter of Terrence, moves with her husband to Granite Falls, Redwood, MN. 1900 Hugh "Explorer" pioneers to Washington State with Michael James Coogan, son of Terrence "Farmer". 1901 Patrick Henry Coogan, son of Terrence "Farmer", moves to Madera County, California. 1903 Death of Hugh "Explorer". William Joseph Coogan, grandson of Patrick "Innkeeper", returns from Brooklyn to Kingston after the death of his father. 1905 Death of Elizabeth Lynch Coogan. 1921 Reunion of Owen "Trader" descendants in Montreal, QC (for the marriage of Louise Agnes Mary Clerk). Attendees included James Joseph Coogan (resident of Boston, MA) and Sister Mary Augustine [Margaret Jane Coogan] (resident of Providence, RI), along with several Dempseys, Kellys and Gannons. 1925 William McClimont, grandson of Patrick "Innkeeper", ordained as priest in Vincentian Order. McClimonts visit Coogans in Boston and Montreal. 1937 William McClimont returns from successful travels to China as a missionary. Visits Coogans in Boston and Montreal. 1939 Reunion of Owen "Trader" descendants in Bronx, NY (for the funeral of Charles Owen Coogan). Large gathering of Boston and Brooklyn Coogans. 1950 Dottie Coogan, great granddaughter of Owen "Trader" begins genealogy research. She contacts Brooklyn Coogans (her cousins) and creates the basic framework for this project. 1970 Patricia Connor Coogan (Pat), wife of John Michael Coogan (great grandson of Terrence "Farmer") begins research on her husband's Coogan line. She collects census, church, and city directory information which traces the family back to Kingston, NY. 1992 James Joseph Coogan V (Jim), great-great-great grandson of Owen "Trader", begins his genealogy research, picking up where Dottie had left off. 1996 Reunion of Owen "Trader" descendants in Hobbs, NM (for the 100th Birthday Party of Charles Eugene Coogan). Attendees include members of Moran, Geltmacher, Rush, Coogan and Golden families. 1998 Jim Coogan creates this web-site. 1999 Jim Coogan responds to Pat Connor Coogan's message board post about her husband's Coogan family from Kingston, NY. After concluding that Terrence "Farmer" and Owen "Trader" were probably relatives, Jim and Pat made concerted efforts (internet) to locate additional descendants. The subsequent response from many other researchers looking for their Coogan roots prompted Jim and Pat to create the Coogan Research Group. 2000 Descendants of Michael "Stonecutter" re-connect to the family via the internet! 2001 Descendants of Patrick "Innkeeper" re-connect to the family via the internet! 2003 Reunion of Terrence "Farmer" descendants in New Hampton, IA. Attendees include members from all of the branches of the family (Coogan, Donahue, Shanley). Pat Connor Coogan and her daughter, Aileen, complete their book Terrence Coogan & Elizabeth Lynch: A Family History. 2006 Reunion of Terrence "Farmer" descendants in Athens, GA. Y-DNA-37 test confirms that Terrence "Farmer" and Owen "Trader" lines are related (99% probability). 2012 New (male) sibling/cousin added to tree to provide a framework that accounts for the additional Coogan passengers who accompanied Hugh "Elder" to the United States in 1853. 2014 Determined that Hugh Coogan had lived for several years in Upper Creggan Parish in County Armagh. This, along with records for the McConville family in the same parish, help to clarify some of the family relationships across the Armagh/Monaghan boundary. 2015 Determined that Felix Devlin married into the Coogan family. His relationship to the family continues to yield new information and presents some new leads in our family research. 2020 Deduced that Ann Coogan Devlin was a sibling with the other members of the "Main Line." Additional research needed to confirm.