CRG Researchers: Alabama (AL)

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Researcher Name Researcher Email Earliest COOGAN Research
CRG Sponsor CRG Sponsor Randall COOGAN (born c.1830) text
Paul Dupont email inactive Frederick Paris COOGAN (born 1895) text
Carolyn Ragland Frederick Paris COOGAN (born 1895) text
Alan David Coogan Francis Johnson COOGAN (born c.1910) text
Bill Hardie Richard M. COOGAN [II] (born 1914) text
CRG Sponsor CRG Sponsor Donald Michael COOGAN (born 1918) text
Donna Carter email inactive Orville Ray COOGAN (born 1920) text
Don Russell Orville Ray COOGAN (born 1920) text
Hildred Bennett email inactive Jackie COOGAN MOTT (born 1930) text